The Book of Mormon is For Everyone

Not all people would agree to this title, and frankly if you don’t have an understanding of the book, then the title could be offensive.

Please, our intention is not to offend or to displease anyone, but our intention is to educate or to inform those who have not had the opportunity to have a Book of Mormon. That is partly what this blog is about. Getting you a free copy. Any Book of Mormon written with the RED has the link to receive a FREE copy of the book.

Here is my general experience has I have given more than a few, if not over a hundred Book of Mormon‘s away. Those that read it with a sincere heart and had real intent to know if it is true or not, made drastic changes in their lives.  Some were extreme changes such as, no more smoking, no more alcohol, no more drugs. Focused on their family, and focused on a career. Some were not so extreme and needed a “Second Witness” to Christ. They were looking for more understanding.

This is what I mean.

I have met so many people who want to quit smoking or quit any bad habit, but have not been able to accomplish their goal, because they were not fully committed to stop. After learning so much more of Jesus Christ, this second witness, The Book of Mormon, it provided help to make that change.

Those that read the Book of Mormon and received an answer that it was true… changed their life. In some cases it was the 180 degree turn around. On the other hand, I witnessed people who already have a testimony of Jesus and His mission, to receive more intelligence and knowledge of Christ, by reading the book.

The Book of Mormon does not have some power associated with it. That is not how the Lord intended it to be. It is better if you read it to fully understand as my explanation may not be adequate to help you make the decision to get a copy.

This is your choice… it is your decision.

It is your life that can change, for what ever you need help in. The Book of Mormon provides answers to all our troubles and along with the Bible, bring a clear understand of Christ’s mission on this earth.

I cannot possible explain to you the joy in my heart as I have witnessed the change, either small or large in someone because they read the book. The first person that received that change…me. The transformation is, in a lack for better words, amazing! That is all that I can really tell you.

Are you looking for a change, a change for the better? Something that will help you fully understand Jesus Christ better and his mission?

Please just get a copy of the book.

Then email me at

It is true!

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  1. Pingback: The Book of Mormon is For Everyone | THE BOOK OF MORMON… To You!

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